Desert Sun: California's health care conundrum: How to provide quality without access

By Julie Gill Shuffield, Patients Come First California Executive Director

California boasts an impressive health care system, renowned for its quality and innovation. Yet, beneath the gleaming facade lies a stark reality: access to this quality care remains elusive for far too many Californians. In a state that prides itself on progressiveness and inclusivity, the persistent gap between health care quality and accessibility is not just a disappointment; it's a failure of our societal obligation to care for all residents of the Golden State.

One cannot deny California's strides in health care quality. In fact, U.S. News and World Report ranks California fourth in the nation on health care quality.

Renowned medical institutions dote in its landscape; pioneering research and cutting-edge treatments are undeniably robust. However, California is failing at health care accessibility ranking 34th in the nation – and these advancements mean little to those who cannot access them.

Read the full op-ed in the Desert Sun here.


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